XArgue is an AI powered, Analytics based, Issue driven,
Structured Argumentation with Social Networking. Truly
designed for civilized speech and helps building diversified
social relationship with others. This is developed and
maintained by Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Data Usage Agreement
Risks and Benefits: There are no anticipated risks and
benefits to participating in the study.
Confidentiality: Your email address will be kept
confidential. Your arguments might be used in future
research study with protection of confidentiality and
privacy of the users.
Offensive Content: The discussions in the platform should be polite, and
any abusive or sensitive language will be strictly prohibited.There is no tolerance for
objectionable content or abusive users. These objectionable content will be removed by modertor.
Any violation in language by any user results in account deletion.
Responsibility: All the opinions posted by the user are solely
responsible by the user. XArgue Team or Southern Illinois
University are not responsible for any opinions posted by the user.
Contacts and Questions: If you have questions or concerns
about this application, you may email us at x-argue@outlook.com.
By Registering for this system, you are agreeing to
participate in this application.
Gender information is only shown with your consent
Be Polite and make civilized arguments during the discussion
Choose Username
Username length should be greater than 5 and less than
25. It can include "a-z, 0-9, ., !, #, $, _"
Add New Issue
Add New Solution
Confirm Deleting your Account
Blocking a user will not provide any of their Issues, Solutions, Arguments on the platform.
Reset Password
Reset Username
About Us
XArgue is an AI powered, Analytics based, Issue driven,
Structured Argumentation with Social Networking. Truly designed for civilized
speech and helps building diversified social relationship
with others. This is developed and maintained by Southern
Illinois University Carbondale.
Data Usage Agreement
Risks and Benefits: There are no anticipated risks and
benefits to participating in the study.
Confidentiality: Your email address will be kept
confidential. Your arguments might be used in future
research study with protection of confidentiality and
privacy of the users.
Offensive Content: The discussions in the platform should be polite, and
any abusive or sensitive language will be strictly prohibited.There is no tolerance for
objectionable content or abusive users. These objectionable content will be removed by modertor.
Any violation in language by any user results in account deletion.
Responsibility: All the opinions posted by the user are solely
responsible by the user. XArgue Team or Southern Illinois
University are not responsible for any opinions posted by the user.
Contacts and Questions: If you have questions or concerns
about this application, you may email us at x-argue@outlook.com.
By Registering for this system, you are agreeing to
participate in this application.
Click on the Issue tab. This should pull up a list of the
active issues, each issue will have a title and 100 character short
description. To open an issue, click on the desired issue. This will
load the selected issue into the top tab where you can see the issue
title, description and all the available solutions associated with
Creating an Issue
To create your own issue, click on the
icon on the bottom right corner of the issues page. This will pull up
a form where you can create a new issue. Once you have filled out the
form hit the create button, your new issue should be created.
View all Solutions
To see all of the Solutions for an issue, click on the Issue
card. To see the argument dialog for each Solution, click on the
desired the Solution then argument will be loaded.
Creating a Solution
To create your own position, click on the icon on the bottom right corner
the solutions page or Collective Analytics page or Personal analytics
page. This will pull up a form where you can create a new Solution.
Once you have filled out the form hit the create button, your new
Solution should be created.
Make an argument
To make an argument select the Solution card that you want to
make an argument for. Then click on the "reply" button under the
Solution/Argument you are replying to. A text form should load.
Fill out the form and select a level of agreement using the
slider. Once both inputs have been filled out, hit "Post Reply" and
the argument will soon show up.
Make a Reaction
To make a Reaction select the desired solution that you want to
make an argument for. Then click on the slider and drag it either
left or right. The text to the right will indicate the current level
of agreement the slider is pointing to. When you have made your
selection, click on the "Confirm" button to post the reaction. If you
ever change your mind about a previous reaction, simply post a new
one and it will overwrite the old one.
Social Networking Features
While participating in an discussion users can connect to each other.
This connection can be either friend or follower. This social
networking Friend and Follower features will be used to analyze the behavior
of users in argumentation platform.
Friend/Follow User
To make a friend or follow an user, click on the desired user
to see their profile. You can use Send Friend Request / Follow to
make the corresponding actions. Once you send the Friend request, the
user is notified with your request and may take action like Accept or
Reject your request. For the Follow there is no acceptance step.